Classroom Instruction

Characteristics Application Development
  • Ensure adherence to an instructional methodology the client prefers, usually ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate)
  • May include activities and labs to support learning
  • Includes development of participant and facilitator materials (workbooks, facilitator guide, slides, worksheets, etc.)
  • Well-suited for training content that is dynamic or changes rapidly
  • Provide personal attention and immediate feedback to students
  • Reinforce learning from class discussions and exercises
  • Estimate: $2,000 - $6,900 per hour seat time,* depending on the complexity of subject and training materials
  • Does not include cost of materials print production
  • Takes into account an estimate of the cost of travel, instructor expenses and salary

* Seat time is a measure of the amount of time a learner spends engaged with the learning in any setting. In classroom training, it correlates to hours of class time; in online training, it is a measure of the amount of time the learner engages with the developed training program.

Note: Michaels & Associates presents all estimates and recommendations for the convenience and information purposes of our clients. Client companies are responsible for their own decisions and implementations, including those affecting profitability.